We’re Singing Again

The Choral Society of Grace Church has resumed rehearsals! Masks are optional, but I’d say most people are wearing them. I’ve been struggling with my glasses fogging up. I bought a spray called Fog Away, and that definitely helped. I also noticed that the fogging just stops at a certain point. Not sure how to explain that. Something equalizes in the small environment behind my glasses?

It’s heaven singing with other people again. I don’t think I sound very good, but I’m hoping I’ll sound better as time goes on. For now I’m just trying to make sure no one hears me. Ha.

I posted details for our Christmas concert in December under events. Because it’s an indoor event people have to bring proof of vaccination.

Choral Society of Grace Church

John Lewis, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor in Union Square

Saw these beautiful busts of John Lewis, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor in Union Square yesterday. Sadly I’ve read that people have thrown paint on the one of George Floyd. They hate him for … being murdered? I adored John Lewis, and we need him so badly now.

These statues were so beautiful close-up. They shimmered.

George Floyd, John Lews, Breonna Taylor Statues

John Lewis Statue, Union Square, New York City

John Lewis Statue, Union Square, New York City