Subway View

This was my view coming up out of the subway last week. It’s always nice coming home after a long day at work, but it was especially nice coming home to this view. I have good news to post soon!

Subway View New York City

Voting after Supreme Court Decisions

It was pretty depressing voting after the Supreme Court decided it only upholds the Constitution when it supports the far right’s interests (the decisions forcing Maine to help pay for students to attend religious schools, saying it was okay to open carry guns in New York, and, of course, over-turning Roe v. Wade).

Normally voting is such a happy day for me. Then, as I walked out after voting I heard Pomp and Circumstance. A high school class was holding their graduation across the street. I watched. I cried. And hoped. A tiny, little bit.

Graduation Day, New York City, 2022