From Black and White to Color

I studied photography when I went to college, and got my BFA in 1978 from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and Tufts University (it was a joint program, art classes at the Museum School, academic classes at Tufts). At the beginning of my school days everyone was working in black and white exclusively, that was considered “art.” But then a bunch of us started experimenting in color. I never looked back, although I remember now that developing and printing color was very hard, you had to be very precise about maintaining the temperature of your chemicals.

But moving from black and white to color. It was like that moment when Dorothy steps out of her tornado-flung farmhouse and into the world over the rainbow. It was so spectacular, and glorious and shimmery and enchanting. Unlike Dorothy, I never wanted to go back home! I thought of that when I ran up to the roof the other night, when we were having that sunset of all sunsets (and I was thinking there was a chemical explosion to explain it).

Empire State Building, New York City


I know, I know, a sunset photograph. Snore. But it’s not often I look out my window and gasp. I’ve never seen anything like the sunset we had tonight. I thought for a second something bad might be going on because helicopters are buzzing around, and they only buzz around when something bad happens, or if there’s a protest. I thought there might be some sort of chemical incident that created this. But I have a morbid imagination.

The helicopters are still flying around hours later, by the way. They keep circling.


A Good Day So Far

– Still no mice sightings, and no evidence of mice (droppings)!

– The Library got a book I wanted via interlibrary loan and sent it to the branch closest to me!

– Finney is still alive!

– I finished the first draft of the epilogue for my book!

Some of the things Obama did for us that are still true today. (Not necessarily my favorites, which are: all he did to further scientific progress, slow down climate change, national healthcare, pardoning a lot of people, started the national conversation about racism which gave others their voice, like the Black Lives Matter movement, and that’s just off the top of my head.)

La La Land and Search Party

I went to see La La Land yesterday because I needed something happy and uplifting, and it was more complicated than that, which is not a bad thing of course, but still. Then I went home and binge-watched the tv show Search Party which was pretty much perfect, but … even more complicated. I recommend both, and I very strongly recommend Search Party. Except, be prepared for … complicated. A good complicated, but if you need uplifting, maybe save it for another day.

I took this shot because the decaying, discarded horse was so sad, and then I realized I might have been drawn to it because of a new series I like, People of Earth. (A similarly decaying, discarded horse is a plot point.) That would be a good show to binge-watch if you are looking for something sweet.


Merry Christmas!

I’m heading out to Long Island later today, so good food and conversation is in my near future! In the meantime …

The cats are nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of tortured mice dance in their heads.
