When My Cats are Nice to Each Other

I have three cats, and they have mixed feelings about each other. When I see something like this, I have to take a picture. They’re all resting peacefully in close proximity to each other.

Cats on a Couch

When I see something like this I’m really happy, but oh look, more holes in my couch. That’s all them. You’re not seeing the worst of it, which I have covered in various ways, or have sewn up. Badly. You can see one of my patches in the previous picture, and how they’ve made new holes around it. Are dogs this bad?


Airplane Climbing Angle

I believe I’ve posted about this before, but every time I see a plane outside my window making such a steep climb, I think, ‘How is everyone inside that plane not screaming??’ It looks terrifying to me. It’s practically straight up, like a rocket ship. I haven’t been in a plane for at least twenty years. Can someone who flies regularly comment on this?

Plane in Steep Climb