Cat Pack

I’ve posted about how all my cats are getting along again, mostly. (There was a period when it was Bodhi and Bali vs Bleecker. It was mostly Bodhi, though. Even I need a break from Bodhi at times.) Sometimes Bleecker has to swat one of them away, and sometimes he just needs a break from them. He likes to take naps in the closet, but like all cats he also loves boxes, so I’ve been looking for something nicer looking than a Chewy box for him to curl up and hide away in. This one wasn’t bad, but it had a terrible odor so I returned it.

But here they are, able to hang out together, which never fails to make me happy. That’s Bodhi in the box. You can see from that one crazy eye what a challenge he can be.

Playing With the Filters on my Camera

I still miss my Canon G9. It took the best pictures. I hope to find someone to repair it. Maybe that should be my next corona project. But this is my cat Bali shot with the toy camera filter. My couch really needs to be reupholstered, and you are not seeing the worst of it, but it cost so much $$$. Anyway, I like this filter, but I think it would work better with different subjects, and not so close-up. Street scenes would probably look great with this filter.

The Rainbow Room

My late stepfather used to treat me to dinners at the Rainbow Room when I was in my twenties, so this was late 1970s, early 1980s. It was probably a cheesy thing to love. The food wasn’t great, but the room. It was so lovely, and sparkling. There was always a big band playing, people dressed up, dancing. And this amazing view of the city. I wish I had taken pictures, but if you google it you’ll see what I mean. It’s still there but I suspect it’s not the same.

More RBG

This store has had a picture of Ruth Bader Ginsberg in their window for years. It was nighttime to it’s hard to see in this picture, but some people started a makeshift memorial to her in front, with candles and flowers.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Glimpses of Heaven in New York City

I took this walking through Central Park. Absolutely enchanting, isn’t it? This is the one place that I would leave the West Village for. (Like I could ever afford to live near Central Park.)

Below is the garden next to and behind the Jefferson Market Library, which was once a prison, and a courthouse. In 1907, the first Night Court in the country was established there, and it went on to become a women’s only court, which I’ve wanted to write about. The Jefferson Market Prison was the busiest in the city because of the Night Court, according to Alice Woodbridge, whose reports on prisons and courts are part of the Women’s Prison Association collection at the New York Public Library.

I’ve also wanted to write about Alice Woodbridge, a fascinating woman. She was a founder of the Working Women’s Society, and the Consumer’s League, along with Maud Nathan and Josephine Shaw Lowell (who I did get to write about!). Don’t know these women? These organizations? I wonder why that is.

This garden is also where Miranda and Steve got married in Sex and the City. It’s an explosion of flowers right now.

Jefferson Market Garden

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