My Favorite Picture

This is one of my favorite shots I ever took, except it’s out of focus and I printed it myself and I was never good at color printing, the colors are all wrong (this was all manually done at the time). Still, I love it. I was driving along and came upon this dog obedience class. Good doggies.

Bodhi’s Going to Kill Me

Bodhi does this adorable thing where he leaps into my arms from the floor. It’s very sweet. But lately he’s started leaping onto me from all directions and at all times, when I’m not looking.

Since I’m not watching and therefore not prepared to catch him what happens is he leaps and then digs all his claws into wherever he lands. It’s very painful. When I feel him on my back I instantly bow down so he doesn’t have to dig in, which is what happened here. He looks content and I’m congratulating myself for avoiding getting stabbed in the back by 18 tiny knives.

Peace Door

I am going out in a little while to run an errand and YIKES. Very scary sound in the sky just now. I’m sure it was a special Memorial Day fly-over of some impressive flying machines of some sort, but it sounds like the sky is ripping open. Okay, calming down. As I was saying, I plan to stroll and take pictures of the holiday sights.

Thank you for your service, members of the military, but I do hope that your service will be required less, and I hope that in the future you are treated better upon your return.

Seen in the West Village, NYC.

New Tree on 11th Street

I think I mentioned that some of the cherry blossom trees fell down during the last big storm. But a new tree has appeared! It’s tiny now, but one day it will be part of the canopy of cherry blossoms I miss. Will I still be alive when that happens??

Damnation Island Goodreads Give Away

Goodreads is conducting a book give away for my book Damnation Island! “[A] fascinating look at a piece of nearly forgotten New York City history…” — Mental Floss, who included Damnation Island in its Best Books of 2018.

Below is a political cartoon I came across of Reverend Edward Cowley, who was sentenced to the Blackwell’s Island Penitentiary in 1880. I have a chapter on him in my book because he was the priest who was replaced by Reverend William Glenney French. I thought it was pretty astounding that as Rev. French went around the island, seeing to the needs of the inmates, he’d come across his predecessor! What did he do??

Just as this drawing illustrates (unsympathetically), I wondered what it was like being penned up with the very people you used to give sermons to.

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