Home Stretch

Lamp.jpg I’ve got this schedule taped to the lamp in front of me so I always knows where I am and don’t fall behind.

Those edits are parts that people told me were kinda boring, so I need to edit them down. I wish I had left myself more time for the final edits. That’s when I go back and read the whole thing and see how the whole of it feels. Until I’m done, I can’t really tell what has ended up being superfluous, and what became important. I need time to go back and tinker, to take things out, and build other sections up, to make sure all the connections between events are strong and clear. For instance, I bring something up in the very first chapter that I come back to in chapter 12. There’s this whole big fat book in-between. Maybe I need to put a reminder in half-way through.

The epilogue is scaring me. Every time I came across something that might be interesting to bring up in the epilogue I put it in a pile. Naturally, I have a massive pile of stuff. There are so many ways to go. I could:

– say where everyone I wrote about ended up.
– give an update about parapsychology.
– go into some of the issues raised about consciousness and the mind-body problem.
-talk about physics and quantum mechanics, the hope of the new parapsychologists.
– I have also been thinking about what interesting question I could ask a bunch of parapsychologists, and an interesting question I could ask other scientists about parapsychologists, and if anyone answers me I could include an array of the best answers. If I’m going to do this, I have to get those questions out NOW.
– or all of the above.
