When I’m Rich

Fireplace.jpg – I will have an apartment with a fireplace (although I had one once, when I was poor).

– A really great camera.

– A vacation (it’s been decades).

– A new super duper Mac, and an iphone (actually, I don’t really lust for an iphone so much, but if I’m rich, what the hell).

– Really great speakers (this should have come at the top of the list).

– A kayak.

Okay, I’m already bored. This is part of the reason why I’m not rich. I don’t really enjoy this game more than a few seconds.

Today I’m going to read through my book one more time, but I think I might be done. I’m very excited. I think this one might be the one. I always think this, though. In the end, when all is said and done, I’m very much the optimist. I mean, I know that chances are things will crash and burn horribly, and not just crash and burn, but somehow this book will turn around and kick my ass, stomping on me and laughing maniacally the whole time, but then again, you never know.

I Eat a Lot of Fruit

Fruit2.jpg Another picture I took during the final days of my camera — a pile of fruit at Balducci’s. The watermelons looked so pretty!

I’m almost done editing, but I feel like concentrating on moving all my blogs over to WordPress today. Not sure if I should, but that’s what I feel like doing. It really is a lot better than what I’m using now. And easier.

I woke up this morning with that wonderful feeling of I have a book coming out! Tra-la-la-la! I love this feeling. You never know what might happen. If only buying a new camera wasn’t among them.

I Want a New Camera, Now I Need a New Camera

Trees.jpg But, I can’t afford a new camera. My old Canon Powershot S410 has now gone completely insane on me. From time to time it was doing this thing where everything looked like an oil painting that melted. Now it’s stuck on that. I looked up the cameras my favorite photographers use, and the least expensive one (Nikon D40) is still in the $600 range. I can get a new Powershot for around $150, which is probably what it would cost me to fix it, but that’s annoying. It’s like spending $150 for nothing, for what I already have. Infuriating.

This is the last picture my old camera took. I took it walking down the Hudson with my neighbors Beth and Malik. This path has been closed for a while for renovations. This shot doesn’t capture how nice it looks. They’ve landscaped it nicely, flowers all over, and terraces every once in a while with chairs under trees and shade, more than what is shown here. When I have a camera again, maybe I’ll take shots of what it looks like from here to Battery Park.

I’ve been busy doing the final edits of my book. Oh, and my friend Jackie designed a blog for my new book, AND is helping me migrate this and my other blog to new and better blog software.

Here’s the blog for Unbelievable. It’s not done yet, but it’s enough done that you’ll get the idea.

Zombie Birds Haunt the East Coast

My friend Chris sent me this picture of an eaglet, and maybe it’s because I have paranormal on the brain, but I just thought it has this lovely, spooky, kinda unreal feel to it. Doesn’t it look like an eaglet in another world almost?

I saw another disappointing summer movie: The Mummy. I think I will be disappointed by The X Files movie next.