Help Find Missing Brooklyn Cat (Bob) $500 Reward

Bob was last seen on Wednesday, January 14th near 25 Plaza Street.  (But he’s been missing since January 9th!)

The email I got from the organization Best Friends began, “Bob the cat escaped and is alone outside in this very cold weather.” Heartbreaking.  If it was me and one of my cats, I’d be dying now.

A flyer can be seen here which needs to be distributed around the Prospect Park, Prospect Heights, and Gowanus neighborhoods, if you can help.

The owner will happily pay $500 to anyone who can get Bob back to her. If you can help, please contact her directly at 917-364-8575. The email had an additional number and her email address and her name, but the flyer does not, so I’m not sure I should post that. I’ll be on the safe side and just post the number from the flyer.

Oh God.  Please let there be a happy ending.

The Vanishing City

Speaking of my disappearing Village!  Here is a must-go-to event, a week from tomorrow, on January 24th, 8pm, at the New Dixon Place Theater, 161 Chrystie Street.

Oh West Village, I Miss You So

I turned around and photographed whatshisface’s buildings while everyone else was watching the U.S. Air plane float by.  The buildings don’t look so bad in this photograph, but I really don’t care for them.  They are so nothing.  Unlike the Empire State Building in the distance.  And after that, yet another store closes and a comparatively characterless store takes its place.


The Guitar of Change

I just remembered to note inauguration day on my calendar so I don’t make any other plans. I’m going to be glued to my tv.  Wow, your eye just naturally does to those sperm fishy things on the right, doesn’t it?  They’re very cute.  It’s like they’re swimming with interest and concern towards Obama.

U.S. Airways Flight 1549 Pilots and Crew – You Are Freaking AMAZING!

I took a bunch of shots.  This is from a pier near Perry Street, as the plane floated down the Hudson.  I just cannot get over the skill of the pilots.  I’ll talk about this later, but I took flying lessons in high school and one of the first things they teach you is how to land the plane if you lose your engines.  “Look for a highway!” my instructor told me (laughing).  But I learned in a tiny Cessna 150.  I just cannot get over doing this with a jet ON THE WATER.

For those who haven’t heard, a plane had to make an emergency landing on the Hudson, all 155 aboard survived.

There are seat cushions and other debris floating all down the river.

It’s hard to see but that’s the plane sticking out of the water, this is around Battery Park City.

More rescue workers.

I think this was a diver, but I’m not positive.  By the way, it was freezing.  FREE! ZING!

Another plane shot.  I couldn’t get close.  “Move back!  This is a federal crime scene!” 

They’re waiting for a crane, I was told.

I took this walking back home.

The never ending stream of rescue workers heading downtown, very reminiscent of 9/11.