I Don’t Like Taking Candids

Which I believe I’ve mentioned. It just feels intrusive.  People try to go on, acting normal, pretending like you’re not taking pictures, but they know you are.  You know you are.  

I took this last night at the birthday party my brother Douglas threw for his most wonderful wife Robin.  Somehow it turned out black and white when I tried to correct the red eye.  

At a certain point/almost immediately, I turned my camera-attention to the glasses on the table.

I Totally Forgot to Take Pictures!

Thank God Josh Karpf didn’t.  I’m waiting for someone to color correct my favorite one of ME, but in the meantime, here’s a long view shot of my standing room only crowd!!  I have to apologize to my friends.  More people showed up than I expected.  Also, I have to apologize everywhere about the wine.  At the end of the event I saw a ton of bottles of un-drunk wine and I couldn’t figure out why no one drank.  Then I realized people may not have spotted the two cases of wine waiting for them.  I opened a few bottles and figured people could open the rest for themselves, but I don’t think they realized there were cases of wine sitting there behind the table waiting to be opened.  I’m such an idiot!

What’s today? Oh, right. Friday the 13th!

And the day of my party! The day I picked.  On purpose. (Note to self: huh??)

I just put up a new post on the Unbelievable blog.  It’s a story we decided to cut from the book, and now I’m wondering why we did. It’s a good story!

But the book really was so long, and we needed to trim it. Something had to go.  Well, all the editing gave me good stuff to post on the blog!

What is happening in the world?  Because I don’t know, I’m so wrapped up in my new book.  

Still feeling overwhelmed.  I have so much to do, I’m ridiculously behind in my email, and I’m going to be in Durham next week.  I have two projects I’m working on that are important to me, an NPR piece and a magazine article.  Oh god.  I’m freaking myself out again.

I took that picture on the way to the library.  I love the library.  I wish I could work there.

And Soon I Will be Heading Home

I see NYC is throwing me a party to welcome me back!  Actually, I saw these in the subway yesterday on my way to the train to Boston.  

I think I may have lost my fear of public speaking.  I was nervous, but only nervous about doing a good job, not nervous about being up there.  Also great was the fact that there there was a full room of people at my reading!  That doesn’t always happen. They were all very nice, they asked good questions, I learned about some ESP research going on at Harvard, which I was totally unaware of, so that was good.  Thank you for inviting me to Brookline Booksmith, Genie!

I’m glad about getting back to my cats though.  My neighbors are taking care of them (thank you Malik and Beth!!) but apparently they are not so good with people when I’m not in the room.  Poor little guys.

I’m trying to decide if what I have with me is too heavy to carry around.  I was thinking of checking out early, in order to run around Cambridge a little (where I used to live) before heading to the train station.