Choir Practice

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but life would be so much easier if I was not an idiot. John Maclay has switched me from soprano 1 to soprano 2, and I didn’t realize that meant I was in choir 2, not choir 1, and so I rehearsed all the wrong parts for the past week. UGH UGH UGH.

Oh smart people of the world, you must have such easy lives. Although probably not. I guess you have your own problems. Still.

Here is a choir-eye view of one of the most beautiful churches in Manhattan.


Balloons Bring Out the Best in People

I was sitting in Union Square, finishing up this GREAT new book, which now joins my favorite books of all time list, Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman, when this girl sat down, struggling and arranging a bunch of balloons.


I couldn’t really tell what she was doing with them, but when this man came by with his two daughters and the little one took an interest in the balloons she immediately gave her one. Then, when her big sister noticed the balloons she gave her one too.

THEN, some of the balloons got away from her and she didn’t see because her view was blocked by other balloons, and within seconds they’d already floated away too high for me, but the tall guy next to me immediately jumped up and got them for her. I didn’t get a picture because I was busy watching with relief and admiration.


They are breaking my heart!!

I just spent a minute trying to explain to this little guy where the food is now. Sigh.

I do worry about my birds in the rain. It’s pouring here. I tried to figure out a way to make a tent over their feeder, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

I cleaned up their feeding area and refilled the feeder, but I’m sure it will be wet and messy within minutes and can they eat in this?

Poor guys.
And poor me.
I will have a lot to clean up when the rain stops.

Presentation Day

I’m giving a presentation today. Nervous! I have to think. That’s always such a drag, having to use my head. I prefer to watch tv. Kidding, although I do love my tv. Fast Forward!! <---New show that had a great opening pilot. I took this picture at the beginning of a long walk uptown the other day. I just love a long walk. That's our beloved Chrysler Building in the distance. Actually, that's how far I walked, except I was on the west side side of town and the Chrysler is on the east. chrysler