Help! What was that song at the end of Numb3rs?

I hate hate hate hate hate that TV shows don’t list the songs they use in the credits.  I mean, once in a while they do, but not ALL the time. HATE.  Don’t the artists insist on it??  I loved the song that was playing at the end of the most recent episode of Numb3rs, but I couldn’t make out the words to find it.

On the other side, the LOVE side, I laughed pretty much all the way through The Big Bang Theory last night.  Although they went into this riff about women in their fifties that made me laugh in a different way.  It was a rueful “just wait until you get here my prettys,” laugh.  I actually imagined them turning 50 and remembering what they wrote way back when.  That “ohmygod, I’m 50.  I’m that old person I imagined all those years ago.”  Except it will feel like just a few years ago and then they will realize that means it will feel like only a few years until … THE END.  Mwah-ha-ha.  But it was a really funny episode, everyone was at their best.

Oh, and Bones was at its best this week too.  I so love tv. Thank you everyone who works in tv. Except for the people responsible for getting ALL the credits up.  Like the names of songs.

Another picture of my roof.  I think this might be the same shot I posted just before, but pulled back.  I love city roofs.  I woke up at 4am to possibly see the Leonid meteor shower (which was part of the Big Bang story line this week).  I thought there was a chance there’d be a black out and maybe I could see it from my roof.  But it was cloudy.


A Tree Grows in Manhattan

I posted a picture of this tree like a week ago and now it’s this brilliant, brilliant red. This doesn’t even begin to capture it. If I tried to capture it you wouldn’t believe how red it is. And Fall is over everywhere else.  This is looking off my roof into the garden behind my apartment.


Keeping an Eye on Buddy

Good news! Buddy is eating better, he wasn’t diarrhetic yesterday. I’m waiting to see how he does today, but I’m hopeful.

I’ve been holiday cleaning for the past few days and today is the day I’m supposed to treat myself to “no work and all play.” I’ve got about 14 hours of tv recorded and waiting to be watched, and unread People Magazines and stuff.

Haven’t begun that all that yet though. I still have a few things to do and it’s bugging me.

This picture was taken seconds ago. He loves me.

Buddy Update

Buddy’s going back and forth (diarrhea/no diarrhea) so I’m picking up some more medication this morning. It’s not a matter of life and death though, so I’m not feeling insane. His appetite is mostly good, which is a positive sign.

I’ve also been doing my big yearly holiday cleaning for the past two days. It’s a week earlier than I would normally do it, but I need the mood-enhancingness of it. I’ve got another day of work to do.

I’m also contemplating making something called pumpkin gingerbread loaf. It just sounds like the most perfect dessert of the non-berry variety in the world, plus the way my apartment would smell! I don’t know if I’m up for it though. I don’t cook so I would have to buy every single ingredient, I have nothing in the house, and I’d also have to buy a pan. It does sound cosy and delicious. What to do??

Here is Buddy, the IBS King of New York.
