Shot From Last Week

I was posting so many pictures of snow I didn’t think anyone could take one more, but I took this on the way to choir practice last week. I liked the infinity mirror-like aspect of it. This guy was taking a picture of the snow so I thought I’d take a picture of him taking a picture of the snow, AND get some snow in there myself.

The paperback of my book Unbelievable comes out next week and I have to start going promotion-crazy. I’ve put together a to-do list. Revving up …


Fire Bad, Tree Pretty

All the best people will get that reference. It fits my over-stressed mood and why pretty lights would happily distract me. I keep calling them Christmas lights, but there’s no reason to assume they’re not just pretty lights for the sake of pretty lights, and not Christmas-related.

I Wish I Could See Alice in Wonderland Right Now

I just read a review that makes me want to see it right this instant, even though the instant before I had no interest. I love Alice in Wonderland and I love Johnny Depp, but I have a sense of disappointment about Tim Burton these days that made me think he wasn’t going to make an Alice I could love. The review changed my mind. Except it doesn’t open until midnight!

Today feels like a movie day in any case. Hmmm. It also feels like a do-your-imitation-of-a-slug day. What to do, what to do?

I took this picture the other day. I looked up and said, “Oh, I wish that room were mine.” I had the same feeling of longing though when I saw the room below. I’ve decided the room to the left would be my study, and the room below would be my bedroom. In my fantasy perfect apartment. Where I am a best selling author to the left, and an orphan consigned to the attic in the picture below (think Shirley Temple in The Little Princess).


What is today?

Wednesday. I make the mistake of reading most of the health articles in the Times and the conclusion seems to be: move all the time. Never sit still. Otherwise you will DIE.

I used to walk for an hour every day, for the pleasure of it and for the exercise, but I don’t do that so much anymore. I’m pretty sure I still walk more than most people, but maybe I should go back to that. I exercise regularly, and would keep that up, but maybe I should add the daily walk back in.

I shot this small wooden house tucked behind some other buildings off Canal Street. Wooden buildings always get my attention because there’s so few of them. I love spotting them in old photographs of Manhattan as well.
