I had the most awful feeling yesterday. A friend was talking about something he’s going to called NewsFoo. A group of journalists are getting together to discuss the future of journalism. I didn’t get the sense that it would be some boring conference, but a group of really interesting people genuinely brainstorming and about something that needs thinking about. This friend is always doing stuff like this.
And I had the same kind of feeling I’ve gotten whenever people talk about new music and I’m the old person who has stood still while others are moving forward in whatever direction music is going.
Except now I feel like I’m stuck in a more overall way, in life. Others are moving into the future and I’ve stopped. I’ve disengaged. The world is moving on, and I’m receding further and further into the past.
It felt terrible. And I’m not even convinced I should be feeling this way. Whenever something new comes along that resonates with my life I adopt it. Maybe it’s because I’m spending my days researching 16th century composers. Or that I used to be more of an innovator. Or that I used to be the first among my friends to try something (I always found new music first).
Ugh. I took this walking up to the Apple Store yesterday. The Beatles pictures all over the place where of them at their cutest junctures. Okay, maybe not that one of John at the right. That was not his best look.