New York Animal Abusers Registry

New York is not on the verge of creating an animal abuser registry. I posted about this wonderful bill just now, but minutes later I found out that while it passed in the senate it failed in the assembly.

“By maintaining the registry with current information and providing easy accessibility to the public, those involved in the sale or adoption of animals can refer to the registry before allowing an individual to take ownership of an animal.”

Thank you to sponsors Senator Greg Ball (R,C,I-Patterson) and Assemblyman Jim Tedisco (R,C,I-Glenville). But fuck you, assembly. I believe my strong words are warranted. You think it’s okay, for instance, that someone who burned puppies alive should be able to still have animals in their possession.

We rehearsed in the church last night! We usually rehearse in the gym, the space is bigger and better lit, but we need to sing in the church before the concert to get used to the different lighting and acoustics.

Choral Society of Grace Church

Choral Society of Grace Church

Play-Doh Aromatherapy

I used to keep small tubs of Play-Doh around my apartment, just to open them up and smell them from time to time. The scent is very comforting. I stopped doing that years ago, and I’d totally forgotten about it, but I was shopping yesterday and there they were, so affordable and friendly.

Coming up next weekend, my big yearly holiday cleaning. I’ve decided to get a tree this year, probably artificial. The hell with the cats knocking it over. I just won’t put any ornaments on it. Or tinsel. Or garlands. Or anything they can chew or choke on, or break. I will chance lights, however.

Two Tiers of Cats

When two cats want to sit on your lap but refuse to sit beside each other.

You have to hold one above the other. And it’s always the heavy one.