Watching the Eaglets

Well, it’s an eaglet and an egg at this point. I can’t look away from this Bald Eagle web cam. The eagles (in Washington, D.C.) have been working on hatching two eggs, and so far one has hatched the most adorable eaglet on the planet.

Here are a bunch of screenshots I took this morning. Just try and resist this little guy.




Oh God. I want heem. Although I know he will be a bit of a killer and would make me cry.


At the Morbid Academy

Me and Mitch Horowitz at the Morbid Academy! Dear God I’m tiny. I knew I wasn’t exactly big, except maybe Mitch is also very TALL. I had a fantastic time of course. Thank you so much for inviting me Mitch, it was such a wonderful opportunity, and thank you to the Morbid Anatomy Museum for being the nicest, nicest host. (Everyone, if you haven’t visited this place, you really must go. Just go to the link, you’ll see why.)

And it was great see the fabulous and talented Shannon Taggert in the audience, and Sharon Lee Harkey (who brought a book for me!) and Lucinda W., who has been visiting this blog and who I met for the first time! That was very cool. Thank you all! It was such a nice break after this long Echo nightmare (which is still going on, but I am going to try to take a day off from it today if I can).

Mitch Horowitz

Morbid Academy Tonight

I’m going to be a guest at Mitch Horowitz’s Morbid Academy tonight at 7pm, if you’re going to be around. The Morbid Academy is:

“A monthly series of provocative and useful dialogues with artists, writers, filmmakers, and scholars who broaden our understanding of the ill-considered and the unknown, hosted by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch Horowitz.”

The Academy events are held at the Morbid Anatomy Museum, and we’re going to talk about what I learned when I researched the Parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University.

A moment of piece from the devil. Look at that coat. A painter should try to capture those swirls of and tufts of color.


Rest in Peace Sunny Balzano

I read read that Sunny Balzano, of Sunny’s Bar in Red Hook, died. I didn’t know him, I just did a reading at his bar a couple of years ago (a post about it and pictures here, Sunny appears in the last shot). But I instantly loved the bar and the feel of it, and you just know something like that comes from the owners. Also, the crowd that came was such a lovely and generous bunch. They were all Sunny’s regulars, I was told, and that tells you something else about Sunny as well, that he attracted such a decent group of people.

There was a nice tribute to him in Gothamist. My most sincere condolences to his family and friends. We were lucky that he existed on this earth and I’m sorry he is gone.

I took this while sitting out in front of the laundromat, waiting for my clothes to dry.
