In the early 1980’s I worked at Tiffany’s as a temp during the Christmas season. Before I left I treated myself to a pair of Elsa Peretti mesh earrings using my employee discount. In my memory I paid around $50 dollars for them, which felt like a tremendous splurge at the time.
Fast forward to a couple of years ago when I notice that one of the earrings is damaged. I took it to Tiffany’s for repair, and learned that it wasn’t going to be cheap. But the current value of the earrings was around $250 or $275, I was told (again, if memory serves, which it probably doesn’t). Not a ton of money, but I have always loved them, and it was nice to learn that they were worth around four or five times what I originally paid for them. I went for the repair.
Fast forward again to a year ago when I discover that one of the earrings is missing! Terrific. I looked everywhere and finally decided it fell on the floor and I probably sucked it up vacuuming. I moped about it and moved on. But every time I felt the urge to wear them I would grieve all over again.
Yesterday, when I was getting ready for the concert and reaching for a pair of earrings, I thought of a place I hadn’t checked, an inch or two away from where I normally kept the mesh earrings. “What if I accidentally dropped it into a different compartment in my jewelry box” (which is a work of art in itself, handmade for me by my brother Peter). I am such an idiot. Because there it was. A freaking inch away!!
Yes, I’m an idiot, but it was like a present from the universe. These are the earrings I’m talking about except mine do not have a diamond in them. Thank you universe!
A movie shoot I passed by the other day, on my way to work.