Waiting for the Storm to Hit

We got a tornado warning. “The tornado threat from Tropical Storm Isaias has increased for portions of the area. SPC has issued an Enhanced Risk of severe weather for parts of the area for a 10% chance of tornadoes. A tornado watch is in effect until 4 PM.” So I’ll be inside for the day, puttering.

A pharmacy near me is displaying two books of prescriptions dated 1911 and 1903 (not entirely sure of the date of the second one, the last number was difficult to read). I went inside to ask if they had a prescription book from 1918. It would be interesting to read what was being prescribed during the 1918 epidemic. But they only had the two books. Still, I would love to read through these books at my leisure some day. Maybe I would find interesting patterns, or famous people who had afflictions we were not aware of.

That’s right, F U virus!

Seen on my walk this morning. My feelings exactly. I want my life and my city back. And what I wouldn’t give for a nice long swim. And to go to the movies. And for choir to resume.