My Days at Duke
Every morning I am dropped off here.
I walk up the path and over to here, the far end of the Perkins Library.
I walk through the door to the Special Collections Library.
And then I sit down to work in here, where I am watched with cameras the entire time. (I only brought two or three shirts with me, and I got all self-conscious about the fact that the librarians were going to see me in the same shirts every day, so I quick picked up a couple more at Target. One shirt says “Army” on the front. I’m basically living out of that Target right now. I get all my food and clothes there. It’s hard to explore without a car.)
The librarians who have been helping me don’t work on Saturdays, so I will have to bring my camera back to get more pictures.
But the real reason for my relative peace of mind — look who are out and about, sitting on what I have traveled all this way and spent all this $$$ to copy, like it’s nothing at all but apparently the most choice spot on the bed! The Perry Street Monster Furballs of Love, ready to wreak havoc on the South. They look like a couple of thugs, don’t they?