I Take it Back!
I’d arranged for the Department of Sanitation to pick this up from the curb tomorrow, but apparently I am not ready to let it go. It’s a shelving unit that belonged to my mother. I’ve had it for almost twenty years but I’ve kept it folded up and have never used it.
I’m not keeping it for sentimental reasons. I’m the opposite of a hoarder, I love paring down my possessions. Why can’t I let this go?? It’s pretty. Maybe if I had someone to give it to?
Bomb Squad
The NYPD’s Bomb Squad is two blocks from where I live, in the 6th Precinct. So it’s not unusual to see them around. But when I took a picture of their truck parked on Hudson Street I didn’t notice the pretty window reflection on the above right. That’s, like, a two story high window. Must look spectacular from the inside.
Don’t Miss This New Podcast: Talking Hart Island
A new podcast dedicated the history of Hart Island is launching September 15! Hart Island is the site of New York City’s potter’s field, and according to the hosts, Mike Keene and Norma Jean Gradskay, it’s the largest mass graveyard in the country.
The podcast is called Talking Hart Island and you can see a list of upcoming guests here. His first guest is no less than Russell Shorto, author of magnificent history, The Island at the Center of the World. I was practically hyperventilating by the time I read through the entire roster. It’s just one impressive name after another (I’m in there, too, I am not worthy) and the topics include Hart Island-adjacent subjects, all utterly fascinating and I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s research.
Trust me, if you love history, read through the list. You’re going to just die.
Seance by Shannon Taggert
Photographer Shannon Taggert’s new book Seance is coming out this Fall from Fulgar Press, with a foreword by Dan Aykroyd and illustrated essays from Andreas Fischer and Tony Oursler! Seance is a book of images Taggert has been making for 18 years. According to Amazon the pub date is November 12. The images are just luscious, and the one below was a favorite of mine when we got a sneak peak a while back. I’m so glad it will be hitting the shelves!
Update: Shannon will be doing two events at Green-wood Cemetery. One on October 16 and one on October 17. If you’re going to be in New York, you should miss them!