Oh Look! It’s “You’re Still Alone Like a Dog Day!”

Me and Charlie Brown. Well, fuck it. He’s got Snoopy. I got Buddy and Finney. So Valentine’s Day, GO TO HELL.


That said, presents are still accepted. Valentine’s Day can go to hell except for the giving-Stacy-presents part. Presents for Stacy are welcome at … well, I guess that wouldn’t be too smart to post my address for all the world to see. Damnit. I want presents!

I’m up to 166 Boxes

Bing, bing bing, ricochet rabbit! (We’ll see how many people remember that reference.)

I’ve speeded up the number of boxes I’m going through a day, and if I keep it up I will be able to come home the end of March. Home home home!! Too late for the blizzard it’s killing me to miss (damnit all). Once I start actually writing the book though, I’ll figure out what I didn’t copy and must have and I’ll have to come back. But then I’ll know then exactly what I need and where to find it.

Here’s the table where I work in my effiency. (Note the little plant. My pathetic attempt to cheer the place up.)


Here are the boxes of copying I’ll be taking home. “Box 2” is over flowing, as you see, and it’s time to start “Box 3.”


Trumpet Mediums

When I first scanned this photograph at the Rhine Research Center I had no idea what was going on in the picture (aside from all the ectoplasm). I found out a day or two later. This guy is what’s called a “trumpet medium.” The dead spoke via a trumpet. A trumpet. Wait, is there there some sort of religious significance here? Anyway, at one time there were a bunch of mediums call trumpet mediums. (It’s just a little phallic too, isn’t it?) This particular trumpet medium is Ed Moore.


Mother of GOD

I just figured out that at the rate I am going through these boxes, I will be here another three months, which I CANNOT DO.

How do I figure out this puzzle??

I can’t stay another three months.
I’m pretty much going as fast as I can.

Thinking, thinking, thinking, solutions welcome. Forgive me for the cliched image, but I don’t have a picture of me trying to rip my own head off. Speaking of the Scream, did they ever get this painting back?


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