The Dog Masquerade

I went to Times Square to see the Dog Masquerade Contest. I got there a little late, so there weren’t a lot of dogs there, but the little guy in the ghost costume is the winner! Check out his sneakers. Yay, little guy! Congratulations!

And then there these three little French Bulldogs. The dog on the left is in love with me. The one in the middle is dreaming of his night on Broadway, and the one on the right wants his mommy.



The Roof Guys

Missing Photo! A photograph was here! Don’t know where it went!

These guys have been working on the roof across the street every day. I feel like I have an audience, and I have to make sure to dress and sit properly. The guy in the middle knows I’m taking their picture, right?

Today, I went out to the Nassau County Police Department to research cold cases on LI, and just as I walked in the squad room a call came in about the body of a young woman who had been found. The room came to life. It had a weird, 9/11-like thrill of purpose. This is what we’re here for. While I was researching a 48-year-old murder case, a new case had begun. They don’t even know who she is yet. I’m sorry unknown girl. You were gypped.

I like the commanding officer of the Homicide Squad, Dennis Farrell. It’s too bad he’s retiring tomorrow and I’ll never see him again. But they were looking at a map and I asked if they were aware of MapQuest, and he looks at me like, “Hello? Do you think we’re idiots, Miss Smartypants?” But he said, “Yeah. We know about MapQuest and Google Maps,” and explained why at that moment they were checking a map. He was funny about it. It’s nice when someone with a sense of humor is in charge.

My Heirs

Here they are, the future inheritors of my fortunes, lazing about on a rainy day. My camera was broken, and I just got it back. I was trying to be creative, but I kept messing up. I was going for a cute stretch shot, but I kept getting one thing or another wrong.



Why can’t he be mine?

I love him. And whoever wrote this bit (maybe he wrote it, too). Be sure to read all the translatations. My favorite part is the dog part. And the sound of Steve Carell coughing up a furball.

[Video removed because the link no longer works.]

It Takes a Party

party1.jpg My friends Liz and Jim had a party. I am posting pictures to prove that I have friends. This first shot features Cricket and the famous lost but happily found Bean. Seriously, the cutest dog in the world, right? That’s Sue to the right petting Bean.

The second shot is of me and Lianne, who is a great singer. Trust me, go to that link and listen. You will thank me. Plus, it features animations by our friend Marianne Petit. Lianne doesn’t look too thrilled, but I swear we had a good time chatting. I am beyond belief tired, which is why I am posed that way. But I had a great time. And Howard brought me very bizarre, fractal-ly looking broccoli (which tasted much better than regular broccoli) and bok choy. Oh, and that’s Ruby in the top photograph, copying my outfit.

Update! More pictures from Charles. After me and Lianne, that’s Max holding Franny, Howard and Cricket, then Margaret and Lianne, then Ruby, (the copycat) Ellen and me, and the last one is Liz and Jim.

Missing Photo! A photograph was here! Don’t know where it went!



