What the hell is this? Christmas porn??

scary.jpg Christmas kiddie porn actually. This is in the window of a clothing store a few blocks from me.

Yesterday I took the day off and went to the movies and saw Enchanted. I’m sorry to report that I didn’t love it. I liked it! It was cute, and I laughed a bunch of times, but I wasn’t enchanted alas. Sorry. I think it’s still worth going if you’re in the mood, it’s definitely good. Just not great.

I was going to see I Am Legend right after, to make up for the disappointment, but I’m supposed to see that with Howard and he, rightly, would prefer to go during the week. When all the rest of you are at work. So we can have that “nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah-nyah, this is our payback for zero job security and no insurance, we can go to the movies in the middle of the afternoon if we want” moment. (Sob.)

Today it’s back to work on the book. I’m trying not to despair over that fact that this person who had agreed to talk to me hasn’t returned my calls. I am still hoping against hope that he hasn’t changed his mind. Maybe I should try writing him? It’s someone who experienced a rather dramatic poltergeist when he was 9 years old and in the foster care system. He’s now 40, and I tracked him down, and he agreed to talk to me, but no go so far. I was going to end my book with his story, regardless of what it turned out to be. Sigh sigh sigh.

Christmas Uptown

I opted for the library yesterday, since it would count as both exercise (walking there and back) and work at the same time. I tried to treat myself to a movie after, but the times didn’t work. So today, I am going to BOTH Enchanted and I Am Legend. Meanwhile, here are my two favorite shots from yesterday. The first is of people taking pictures of the Rockefeller Center tree.

This is a close-up of one of the windows at Tiffany’s. Clearly I love things that glitter.

Full on Buddy and ESP

ESP.jpg Buddy is like the Heather from America’s Next Top Model of cats. Hard to get a shot of him looking at the camera. But he’s gorgeous, right? By the way, I so wanted Heather to win.

I’ve been working day and night on this final draft, I have barely left the house in two days, so I really really really must leave the house today. But to do what? Here are my choices:

– Go to the gym.
– See the movies I Am Legend and Enchanted.
– Go to the library.

What to do, what to do? In other Heather news, (not America’s Next Top Model Heather) her current post on Dooce is amazing. Important, even.

The View From My Lap

Survey2.jpg Finney watches Buddy from my lap. It’s all about the food. I wish weight wasn’t an issue and I could just feed and feed and feed them. Knock yourselves out, guys. Food all the time forever.

I just turned on itunes. Time for a list! Some of my Christmas music favorites:

Amahl and the Night Visitors
Snoopy and the Red Baron Christmas
The Bing Crosby/David Bowie Duet
Handel’s Messiah
Bach’s Magnificat
Vivaldi’s Gloria
Anything by Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland
Il Est Ne, Le Devin Enfant

Actually, I’m bored with this list! What’s a better list? I pulled out some Christmas books to read.

Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
The Cat Who Came for Christmas by Cleveland Amory
A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote (short story)

I should explore more stories in this collection that has the Capote story. It’s called A New Christmas Treasury. The Capote story is lovely, but sad. The Cat Who Came for Christmas is hysterical. A Christmas Carol, well, everyone knows the story, but the book itself, if you haven’t read it, is edgier than most movie versions, and Silent Night, I don’t remember if it’s any good, but hopefully it will be fun.

A Somewhat Sad Collection of Ornaments

Sad.jpg The bells belonged to my mother who used them to wake me up to help her when she was dying. Apparently I can sleep through anything, including a dying mother calling for help. When she was dying of pancreatic cancer I would stay out at her house on Long Island a couple of times of week to help take care of her. We were all taking turns, but in my memory it was mostly my brother Douglas, who was the best at negotiating the healthcare system, and my sister-in-law Karen, who was the best at taking care of my mother personally. Karen just has this way of being so caring, but at the same time acting natural and not freaked out, that was so crucial and comforting to my mother those last few weeks. (Thank you, Karen. I will always be grateful.) Which is not to slight anyone else who was there, and everyone was there more than me, it’s just that we all have different skillsets and I noticed Doug and Karen’s in this situation. But given that I was not there as much as everyone else I probably missed a lot.

Anyway, I was out there one night and my mother had to call and call and call before I finally woke up. It was awful. She was so weak and helpless. She pulled out those Christmas bells and used them to wake me up after that. Ugh.

To the right of those bells is a cross made from the metal of the World Trade Center, and to the right of that is a piece of World Trade Center glass. Oh and that madonna and child triptych is from my dead Grandmother’s house. (That’s not actually a triptych, is it?)

Oh good lord, I am morbid. But I couldn’t help noticing! I swear I’m actually mostly a happy, upbeat person! I see myself that way anyway. I’ve been singing that Snoopy and the Red Baron Christmas song and everything. Ho ho ho! Deck the halls! I’d have a tree if the cats weren’t so bent on its destruction. I’m afraid they’ll hurt themselves with it somehow when I’m not here.