Right now! Or is that hail? Just the thought of snow puts me into an automatic good mood. Yeah, there’s snow in there, but it’s mixed with rain. Which way will it ultimately turn? Oh please let it be to snow!!
I took this picture last night, it’s the arch at Washington Square Park, which is mostly closed while they completely renovate it. Lots of people are unhappy about the renovation, because it won’t be what it was. I can relate, I didn’t want them to overhaul the river, but what can you do? I miss things about what it was, but there certainly is a lot to love about the new version.
But the thing about Washington Square Park is, it hasn’t been what it was for a long time. Union Square is now what it was, and it’s been like that for a while. That’s where people go for protest, performance, or to gather whenever something important happens. Washington Square was ripe for reinvention. I think the changes will be mostly good, as long as there’s a place for the chess players.
For the record, a broken record I know, I miss the grittier, more diverse New York, like most of us who are old enough to remember it. And I know people have been saying this for the history of New York, and that it is always changing, and someone is always missing something, I know.
I won’t go on about it, it’s boring, but seriously, you should have seen it. It feels like a theme park of what it was now.