Attention Sex and the City Fans

First, this is not the kind of sign normally used to indicate a movie production company is going to take over a block, but still.  This is the Sex and the City block, and we do know there’s going to be another movie.  It says the block is going to be shut down tomorrow, 3/28, between 8am and 4pm.  Just saying.

Even More Tired

I just need to catch my breath, which I seem unable to do.  Last night I barely missed ending up in Boston.  I was coming back from DC, fell asleep on the train, and woke up only seconds before my train pulled out of Penn Station for Beantown.  There are such things as angels, apparently. And I hope they look like that guy playing Castiel on Supernatural.  Just looked him up, it’s an actor named Misha Collins.  That is one handsome dude.  I want to meet his father.

I took this shot I forget when.  It’s just another of a familar sight, the FDNY making a regular appearance in my apparently very flammable neighborhood.

Tired, Tired, Tired

I’m done working for the day, I’ve got Reaper on the TV, the cats are curled up, waiting for the evening snack, all is right with the world.   Mostly.  My tiny world I mean.  Actually, I wish things were better with Buddy.  He’s still losing weight.  I consulted with a holistic guy at this great pet supplies store in the East Village (Whiskers), so I’m feeling hopeful that I can make him better.

This is a shot of the audience for my presentation for the Rhine Research Center last week.  I took this before they called everyone in.  We had a decent showing.

Trying to get Back to Normal

I took this down in Durham. Did you know the things that fries from Burger King come in are called “Frypods?”  Good lord.

I’m taking Buddy back to the vet this morning to see if he’s gained weight, but I’m afraid he hasn’t. Maybe he looks the tiniest bit heavier to me, but I’m not convinced, really. Oh please let him be heavier. Finney is getting gigantic, however. I’ve put more food out in the hopes of fattening up Buddy and it’s working on Finney, who doesn’t need it.

Plan for the day:

– vet

– exercise

– meditate

– interview someone for an article I’m working on

– practice the choir-ass-kicking Missa Solemnis.

It’s 6:30 and I’m still answering Email

That was not a complaint, I want people to email me.  I appreciate the feedback, tips, stories, pointers to interesting research and so forth.  But I got a huge wave of it and it took some time to catch up!

My friend John sent me a picture of my book on the table of a Barnes & Noble in Colorado.  That was fun to get, I have to say.  Just seeing how something I do over here ends up over there.