These were pretty magnificent. So. The holiday weekend starts today, right now, right??
I’d love to go to movie after movie after movie, but they’ll all be packed so I think it will be book after book after book for me. Okay, I’m a slow reader. In reality it will be: book. Period.
God the weather right this second is perfect. I’m sitting in front of my sparkling clean window, there’s a cool breeze coming in, birds chirping, the sound of a pile driver in the distance—the urban equivalent of a lawn mower—and I’m wrapped in fleece blanket drinking coffee. As you can imagine I’m quite content. A pile of sleeping kittens on my lap would make it a little more perfect, but you can’t have everything.
But I do have So You Think You Can Dance recorded and ready to watch!! I started it last night but fell asleep. I already love Gabe, I think her name is. The one with rheumatoid arthritis.