I know I’ve posted pictures of this house before, but I still love it.
Woke up feeling miserable, don’t know why, but I’m doing what I can to alleviate it. I bought myself lilacs, went to my local library branch to find out if my access card can be used to take out books because I thought the idea of all the money I could save not buying books might make me feel better, (it can and it did a little) had a burrito for lunch and strawberries for dessert.
What else can I do??
Finney just curled up in my lap. That should help.
I have my monthly meditation meeting tonight, except I really want to curl up in a ball and watch tv instead. That’s probably not the right choice though.
We’re so vulnerable as a species. Some of us are anyway.
Okay, I’m going to go figure out how I order my library books online so they’re there waiting for me at my local branch.