It’s a Mixed Blessing

As you can see, the birds have finally discovered the bird feeder. But, as I suspected, it’s been torture for the birds and the cats ever since. There have been moments though, when the birds can eat in peace, when the cats are sleeping in the other room, so all and all I’d say it’s a good thing. I got some actions shots and a short video at the end!

BIRD: Oh! What’s this?


BIRD: Let’s get a closer look here.


BIRD: Okay, so here I am.


FINNEY: Oh yes. There you are.
BIRD: Eep.


If you listen closely you can hear Finney’s cry, which translates roughly to, “But I want to eat heem.”

People Suck, People are Great

I go back and forth. Of course both are true and everything in-between, but one of my favorite ways to get a “people are great” glow is to read Post Secret. It just makes me love us and our incredibly vulnerable but strong ways.

Big Bang Theory Catch-Up Progress Report: I’m up to episode 12, Season 1.

I took this picture the other week at a World Trade Center tour I did support for.


Looks like Europe somewhere, doesn’t it?

But it’s, I forget the block, east of City Hall Park, J&R-ish area. Anyway it’s NYC and apparently I barely know where I am when I’m walking around shooting.

Oh I so do not feel like working. I feel like going to the movies and buying myself presents and puppies. And eating pizza.

I woke up at around 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep and watched about 3/4 of Under the Tuscan Sun, which I loved and now I want to see the whole thing. What a sweet movie.

But now I’m tried as a result and don’t want to work.

Maybe I should have a fun day. I should go out, use that gift coupon Karen got me (thank you Karen, I’ve been saving it for a rainy day) get a bunch of good food and hole up and watch Big Bang Theory episodes all day.

Oh yeah. Or I could get to work and do my exercises and reward myself later. It’s like I’ve got that angel on one shoulder, a devil on the other thing going.

What did I do today?

It must have been a lot. I mean, I felt busy. But what did I actually do??

– Worked on my book proposal.
– Read some articles looking for material for my book proposal.
– Went to the Strand and bought two books by Robert Nathan, who I plan to loudly and vocally take credit for re-discovering shortly. So anyone else who plans to claim this, I re-discovered him first!
– Updated my blogs for Unbelievable and The Restless Sleep, and found a bunch of material for future posts for The Restless Sleep blog (I’ve not been giving that one much attention).

That’s not very much, is it? Oh well. This is a picture from a memorial on the lower east side. Someone must have died there. Sad.


My So You Think You Can Dance Notes

– Travis’s choreography for the opening number seemed to favor the men. I barely noticed the women. (But I love all things Travis still.)

– Kayla’s solo was inventive. Quirky and interesting.

– That cha cha was AWFUL. The judges are insane. Worst thing in recent memory. And I love Ade. But I thought he was wooden and Melissa looked too white girl/ballerina.

– Brandon was the star of their routine. He really really out-danced Jeanine, and she is great, but he was dancing so stupendously. Oh I’m talking about the Battlefield one, not the waltz, which was not good.

– Jeanine’s solo was also great in an inventive, quirky way.

– Okay, the breast cancer dance was lovely, but man I thought all the judges WAY over-rated it. If they hadn’t said it was about breast cancer and put a scarf on Melissa’s head they could have been dancing about anything. But all the crying, please. Plus it made it really awkward when they cut to Kayla and Jason who had started mugging for their next routine coming up.

– Brandon’s solo was AMAZING. He’s a favorite now. (But my absolute favorites remain Kayla and Ada. And Janette.)

– Ellen Degeneres was a terrible terrible judge, and I love her. But a terrible judge. She didn’t add anything. She did not communicate her passion about dance, and just did her schtick. The one thing I did like about her was when she gave Evan some full on, unequivocal love, which he has not gotten at all this season, and she kinda shamed the other judges into giving him some appreciation.

But that said, I think Evan should be the guy going home. And no girls should go home.

I took that picture … somewhere. On the lower east side. I think. Oh wait no, it was somewhere in the financial district.