Very Unhappy Bird Ending

I am so upset. I literally had to sit down on a stoop and cry, but apparently there have been complaints about the mess and my super made me take my bird feeder down. I thought the shower curtain was working, and what it didn’t catch I was cleaning up myself every couple of days. But this wasn’t enough for some people.

I moved it to a secret location, but I will no longer have the joy of watching them. I’m also upset because the birds are going to show up in the morning and I can’t explain to them why I’m not putting food out OR tell them where the feeder is now.

People. Part of me realizes that their complaints have at least some merit, but at the same time I can’t help feeling like I’m living amongst of a bunch of mean-spirited Elvira Gulches. Just think about the nice people, just think about the nice people … (I’m chanting to myself). Oh! Like my neighbor underneath me who doesn’t complain about my cats who sometimes jump off the amoire onto the floor and must sound like bowling balls hitting the ceiling to her.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Very Unhappy Bird Ending

  1. And I will send you pictures of my four feeders since fall migration is underway and they are full of birds. Not the same as having your own feeder right there outside your own window, I know, but maybe a small consolation.

  2. ’tis one of the drawbacks of the metrolife, those few who complain about the encroachment of the natural world on “their” habitat. But take heart. I’ve a friend in the mountains of New Mexico whose 90+ year-old mother goes out onto her acreage every morning- sun, rain or snow – to tend to her multiple feeders. Protests from her children get met with indignation. “Who is going to feed them if I don’t?” she argues. I’m sure she has a counterpart within flying range of your regulars and they will survive the selfishness of the NIMBYs.

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