Someone Might be Reading Me in China!

The Chinese edition of Waiting for My Cats to Die is out (Beijing Hongwenguan Publishing & Planning Co., Ltd). Except it says Tiajin Education Press on the book. Well, I love the cover. It made me want to have pictures of me and my cats so I tried to get some below. Only got me and Finney so far.


Here he was doing that kneading things that cats do. I’m always afraid that people across the street will look in my window and think my cat is doing inappropriate things to me!


We’re about to kiss! Okay, I definitely do inappropriate things with my cats. (Kidding.)



We had an election yesterday and it was SO quiet.  I voted here at PS 3. Check it out.  No one on line. There’s usually a line. Later, I saw the picture below on the Times website.


That is not only my polling place, but 85 is my district, and that is the guy who helped me yesterday morning!


Fashion Week

I was at the NPR studio recording a commentary and right across the street, in Bryant Park, is fashion week! (Month?) Kept my eye out for my hero, Tim Gunn, but no sightings. A lot of other people were outside, hoping for a good sighting.


This is where I fall down the worst, fashion-wise. Shoes. I just wear sneakers.


Pretty people!


A pretty person without an invitation inside, apparently!

She is making her case I think.  He’s probably saying, “Look, I’d love to let you in …”  Actually, I have no idea what’s going on here.

It was fun.  Then I learned there was a special entrance for famous people so I never had a Tim-Gunn-Sighting chance, alas.

Choir resumes tonight!!


I just realized I’m hungry.

















upcoming commentary, though!

Feeling Better

My fire escape was not full of birds waiting to be fed this morning, and when I went to the new bird feeder location there they all were! The food wasn’t almost gone, so they’re going through it a little more slowly, but that won’t last I’m sure.

Now I don’t know what to do. It made me happy to see them all there. They flew off the second they saw me of course, but I did like seeing them all again. Plus there were a ton more of them. I guess I’ll take it one day at a time and see how I feel.

Meanwhile, I saw these guys playing stickball in the street on Sunday. I don’t think I’ve seen a stickball game in, like, 40 years.


I Don’t Know What to Do

I’m not as nice as Weston’s friend’s mother. Because I don’t see myself keeping up feeding the birds now that I won’t get to enjoy them. The expense and cleaning up was bothering me, but it was worth it to have them around. But cleaning up and paying for seed without the joy of having them around? I can see myself getting resentful real fast. Ugh. I hate myself.

Before I left the apartment this morning I put a bunch of seed where I know they sit and then made a line of seed toward the new location of the feeder, but I was thinking I shouldn’t train them to find the new feeder if I’m not going to keep this up.

Maybe I should dump out all the seed I have left—20 pounds—in a spot where I know they’ll find it and leave it at that?

The cats lazing about now that the window-tv is gone. (I suck.)
