I’m Barely a Fed

There’s been some mixup about my availability and the Census Bureau has assigned me to a different place, for three hours total. Period. No more.

I’m going to call and make sure I’m still in the running for an enumerator job. That’s the one who goes out and knocks on people’s doors. Sounds a little scary, but potentially fun.

Today I’m going to try to do what I’ve been unable to do this week—enjoy this gorgeous weather. Oh! I could go back up to Inwood today! There’s another spot I want to check to find an old haunted house. Even if I don’t find it, this is potentially a beautiful, relatively unknown spot.

I’ve looked at a map and it looks a little tricky to walk to however. Okay, I just checked google maps. There doesn’t look like there’s any houses left that fit the haunted house description in the part I wanted to check. Hmmm. I still want to explore that area though. It’s west of Marble Hill, running along Spuyten Duyvil Creek into the Hudson.

I Want to Live on the River

I’m pretty close, but I want to be right up on a river.  I want to be able to see it from the porch (and I want a porch).  I can’t wait to go back up to Inwood to check another spot for this haunted house I’m looking for.  But I’ve got interviews and my new Census job and I’m not sure when I can get back up there. Actually, maybe this weekend.  I think I might find the house of my dreams while I’m at it.  Not that I can afford it, but it will be something to dream for.


White Horse Tavern Tries to Minimize the Damage

They’re already drunk out there.  Although kids and dogs are on their own.

It’s gorgeous out there, by the way.  I’m wasting it, staying inside trying to catch up on a million things. Plus I have a radio interview at 5 I have to prepare for.  By napping.


I’ve Been Fingerprinted and Sworn In

I work for the Federal Government!  In certain circles I am now hated!

I start on Friday, but here’s the deal. The Census is going all out to get an accurate count. They’re setting up these assistance centers all over the country where people like me will help you with the Census form.

I’ve been assigned to Carmine Street, which I’m thrilled about. It’s the once-Italian section of the West Village. It’s a little bit that way still, but like every place else it’s changed.

Anyway, the scary part is I’ll be alone. No Census buddy to help me or talk to. They gave me a box and sixty billion Census forms in something like 60+ languages, many I’ve never even heard of and I’m supposed to be able to help them all.  I’m supposed to be able help people who speak Tigrinya or Tagalog or Llocano fill out their Census form.

I’m looking forward to that part actually, although I’m nervous about doing well. By the way, Bengali is beautiful written out. So many of these are beautiful. Ohmygod, the Cambodian looks the hardest. It has the most subtle differences from letter to letter.

The picture is of the place where we trained.  Those Mormons certainly love counting people. They were very nice hosts.


I have to post quickly, I’ve got to get ready for my Census training, and there was a mix-up and maybe I’m not even supposed to go up there but I’m going to show up just in case.

I went up to Inwood yesterday (way way way uptown Manhattan, also has the highest unsolved murder rate in Manhattan). I was looking for a haunted house and I need to go back to check another spot. While I was taking pictures of possibilities I was also taking pictures of other aspects of the area that I loved. And I love elevated train stations and platforms.

That unsolved murder rate by the way refers to old murders, which are still awful, but I wonder what the murder rate is today. What I saw was so beautiful and quiet and nice, for the most part.
