I’m working for the Census!

I took a temp job with the Census Bureau and I start training tomorrow!! I have to say, I’m really excited about it. I’m hoping that this will somehow lead to a job working with their archives. That would be a dream job for me.

Ugh. It looks like yet another rainy day. I’ve been waiting for it to stop so I can go up to Inwood to take pictures. I’m writing up this haunted house story that someone sent to the Parapsychology Lab.

It’s a really good story, but I also love the glimpse it gives of New York from a long, long time ago. The person who sent it in was such a good writer. The problem is, she doesn’t give the exact address of the house, so I’m going to do my best to figure out which one it is based on her description. If I can’t, I’ll just take pictures of the spot she writes about to give a sense of the area the house is in. Or was in.

I saw this coffee table on my way to choir practice. The style wouldn’t work in my apartment, but I do love it.

Sometimes I Like Clutter

I was walking home on Bleecker and I realized I liked all the signs hanging out, and the generally messy look. So I kept shooting as I walked along. I’m passing by Murray’s Cheese here. If this store ever goes away I will starve to death.


Side-by-side strollers! Hate them! But then I realized, if I was out strolling with a baby, how much nicer it would be to have a companion to talk to, so I keep my hate to myself and hope that buys me some points when I stop dead in my tracks to take a picture, which must be very annoying for the people behind me.


I used to get pomegranate seeds at the store with the green awning, but they never have them anymore. And I really should try that Risotteria place.



I love stores like this.  I don’t buy newspapers anymore, and I quit smoking in 1986, but still.  I love them.  Like everything else, they are disappearing.
