Okay, I Love People

I take back all the bad things I ever said about humanity.

Yesterday I sent out a mass email about my book being issued in paperback and instead of responses like, “leave me alone” or “you’re a spammer” and “p.s., you’re ugly,” I got responses like:

“Stacy, I would read anything you would write, even if it was on toilet paper!”

“Stacy – Relax, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to make a living these days!  Pushing your new book is what you’re supposed to do!  Besides, most of us look forward to hearing from you. Your new book sounds very interesting – can’t wait to get my copy and settle in for another great read!”

“Stop apologizing. I love your writing, and I’m sure everyone else does, too.  Don’t feel bad about marketing yourself – we understand it’s what you need to do. It’s what you should do.  It’s cool.”

“You can always keep me on your list, I love getting your book updates, I do plan on purchasing this, and your e-mail was a wonderful reminder.”

Here’s another picture from Brooklyn, where I should just move to already.


I feel unclean!

I just bombarded the world with form email begging for help selling the paperback of Unbelievable. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable I am with doing things like that. I really have to make myself. You should see my face when I hit the send button.

I’m just trying to feed these guys. Please note that the fur is only just beginning to grow back on Buddy’s belly. That bare patch makes him seem so vulnerable. It breaks my heart a little. But he definitely still has heft to him, so that makes me feel better. He’s not entirely skin and bones.


Another House I Can’t Possess

Oscar night was great! Although I still feel bad for Roger Ross Williams, the director of Best Documentary Short Subject winner Music by Prudence, who was interrupted by that woman. I’ve read that she was a co-producer and also a nominee, but that she was taken off the project a year ago.

Even if she had a case, and should have been on that stage too, I’d have been more sympathetic if she had managed to summon some measure of graciousness and made at least some attempt at sharing the moment. The fact that she didn’t makes me not surprised that she was taken off the project. She says it was her idea. Okay. But this is not the award for whose idea it was, but the execution.

And I loved that League of Extraordinary Dancers homage. As usual, I was frustrated by the camera work, because I couldn’t see a lot of what was going on. I spotted Kayla and Russell from So You Think You Can Dance. I’m sure there were others. The Asian kid dancing with Kayla during the UP part of that dance was amazing!! But there were tons of amazing moves. I wish I could see it again from different angles. Hell, I wish I could have been there.

This is a picture of another amazing house in Brooklyn.

To Do

– Read Persinger interview carefully.

– Prepare blog posts for Unbelievable.

– Send out email about paperback (I apologize in advance if you’re on my email list).

– Return phone calls.

– Go through cat sitting business to-do list. Ohmygod, a nested loop! My to-do list gets recursive!

– Find another place to get a price quote for injection molding.

– Pitch articles to ***** Magazine.

Finney has the most expressive face, doesn’t he? Look at him. God, I do love the furballs.

This is somebody’s porch!!

In Brooklyn!! I am practically sobbing with longing. The tree, the vines, everything. Want. Anyway. Sigh. Moving on.

The Oscars are tomorrow!! Woohoo! The red carpet! Outfits and looks to critique! I just remembered the year I had to watch the Oscars from the Extended Stay Hotel in Durham. I had just bought an HDTV and it was killing me that I was missing it in hi-def. Well, not this year!
