I’m trying to decide about going to the Frick. I’d have to leave soon-ish to take advantage of the “pay what you like” window. I’m leaning towards staying home, but I leaned toward staying home on a recent saturday and missed this <--- a particularly fun day of drumming with my old band, Manhattan Samba.
These are fish I felt sorry for the other day.
Those are Betta splendens or Siamese fighting fish in the glass jars. You can’t put them them in with other fish because they’ll attack them. You’ll find them in containers like that in pet shops, WalMart, etc.
I’m not a big fan of either the fish or the practice of putting them in tiny containers.
It’s very cruel!
I must have missed something here…
Are you no longer playing with Manhattan Samba?
Only once or twice a year, when the gigs are during the day or early evening. This one I missed because … I forget why, probably sheer laziness. I probably did nothing instead.