
I’ve started writing the acknowledgements for my singing book. This is the section at the back where the author thanks all the people who helped them. It’s killing me, I tell you. Why is it so hard to sound sincere, and not tedious? I’m a writer. I should be able to manage this.

I just tried for a little humor. Probably a mistake. And brevity. Also, problematic. There’s the danger of having omitted someone. Maybe I should make a video and just list the address for the video? That would at least be novel. I could sing! Yeah, no.

Flowers on a roof on Bleecker Street. They were big and pink and gorgeous and of course I wanted them to be mine. By the way, it’s pouring rain at the moment. I got to enjoy my freshly cleaned windows for what? Three days. Stupid universe. Thanks for the thunder, though.

Flowers on Bleecker Street Roof

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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