The Universe Hates Me and Airtime

I thought I would have my camera back by today, at the latest. But the parts that came in didn’t work and so now I have to wait for replacement parts for the replacement parts. Then, my cellphone broke. I’m going broke fixing broken things.

Wait a minute. What the hell is going on with my arm in this photograph?? I have stick arms, I swear. That’s Finney, by the way. Monster-cat of Perry Street. This is a screenshot from ichat.

Has anyone tried Airtime yet? It’s a video chat service started by the Napster guys. I signed up for it on Facebook, but then I was too afraid to hit “Talk to Someone.”

I invited a friend to do it with me, someone I don’t mind seeing me … not at my best. But it doesn’t work in Safari. I had to switch to Google Chrome, and he only had Safari. I’m trying to think of fun things I can do to promote my singing book and Airtime is one of the things I’m exploring.

Here I am, offering proof that I have stick arms, in spite of all the swimming. Notice the closed mouth smile in my pictures? I don’t like how my smile looks now. I hope when all my dental work is done I have a pretty smile again.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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