Spring Cleaning After

I took a picture of the new litterbox in the exact same spot on my desk, but it wasn’t catching the light properly. You couldn’t see how pretty the sparkles look. This angle gives you some idea.

I’ve got just a few more things to do and then I’m done. And then it’s off to Mistakes Were Made, a conference about computer history which, “gathers emerging scholars challenging traditional technology narratives, and pairs them with creative coders, new media artists, tech innovators, and other members of computer culture’s past and present “fringe.” It’s not too late to get tickets. It starts at 1:30!! You can make it!!

And then tonight I’m going to the Loser’s Lounge, one of the best and most fun musical shows in the city. So, a pretty perfect day. Clean house, interesting presentations, great music.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning After

  1. Sounds like a perfect day to me! Peter will be away for the next 7 week, walking the Camino de Santiago, so I may follow your example and do a thorough house cleaning. Plus, I have signed up for a humanities conference while he is away in May, so I may have a similar perfect day soon myself!

  2. You should do it, it feels great!! It feels so good to be in such a clean home.

    I bought myself flowers as a reward, which Finney knocked over early this morning, almost killing my computer. Nut it seems to be okay. Took an amazingly long time to clean up after that though.

    I’m now officially on vacation.

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