First Glimpse of the New Guys

I can’t get a decent shot of them with the camera on my phone! I didn’t want to upload this because it doesn’t really capture their cuteness. I’m not sure which one this is. I can only tell them apart by their personalities. Bali is sweeter, Bodhi is more bold, both are extremely affectionate. They are very tiny.

Update: I added another photo of … I do not know.

Bodhi, Bali and Finney Update

Some of you may remember that a kitten aspirated while I was feeding him over a month ago. I thought he was going to die, but he pulled through. He and his brother have had a ton of health issues, but they are out of the woods and I am going to adopt them.

Because I felt responsible for Bodhi’s problems I’ve been loving on him and his brother ever since, and they are the sweetest kittens in the nursery (to me!).

But someone snapped them up and took them home to foster them while I was off the past two days. I thought they were too young for foster!! So I quick put a hold on them, so only I can adopt them. But now I won’t see them for weeks! They’re going to forget me!!

In much worse news, Finney, who seemed mostly fine, has turned a sad corner. I don’t know if this is it, but he’s now eating less, which is the sign I go by. I don’t know how close we are, but we’re now firmly heading there.

This never gets any easier, apparently.

Poor Bleeck, relegated to the floor at my feet while Finney gets the prime real estate, my lap. But Bleecker has two kittens in his future, cats he can really play with like he never could with Finney, who was always too old. So his life is going to get much better. I hope Bodhi and Bali are up for this. Bleeck is a handful.

Also, I’m pretty sure I’m going to rename them, but I don’t hate Bodhi and Bali for names.

I Miss Lunch

I took this back in the day when I was able to take full hour lunches away from my ASPCA work in the Kitten Nursery. I’d sit along the East River, gazing across at the former Blackwell’s Island (I have a book coming out next year about what happened there) feeling so relaxed.

Now we have so many kittens I have to figure out how to manage my time so I can do that again. My problem is I’m a relatively slow bottle feeder. They had someone (Judith, aka the “kitten whisper”) come in on Thursday especially to watch me and give me tips on how to take up less time, which she generously did. We shall see how I do next week!

#Trump Rats and I love People

I saw this on a stoop on my way to work this morning. Plastic rats with Trump wigs. The box they are eyeing says Veritas (truth) with a poison symbol. I love people. Thank you, whoever did this. Made my morning.

Trump Rats