Good Storm vs Bad Storm

I don’t know when I took this, but it was misfiled and I just came across it. God I love a good snow storm. This is the street where I live. Simply looking at this scene makes me happy.

Except I just realized this might appear insensitive to the people facing Hurricane Michael today. The storm in this picture is the kind you can easily escape from, and actually makes you feel safe and warm and protected. Mostly. Hurricanes, not so much. I hope the destruction from Michael is minimal.

Heading to Choir Practice

Here’s my view getting off the subway and heading towards Broadway and Grace Church, for choir practice. Rather chaotic, isn’t it? The stop is Union Square and a fire truck was heading towards a fire just as I snapped the picture. I’ve indicated Grace Church with an arrow.

Waiting for the Q

In a few minutes I’m going to head out to the IRT up to 42nd Street to wait for the Q. This is my view every morning, while I wait. (It’s very early, that’s why it’s not crowded.)

Bali is Going to be an Owl for Halloween

He looks like an owl, right?? He’s sitting on the new replacement scratching post I just bought from Felix Katnip Tree Company. He and the post tipped over a few minutes later. My poor downstairs neighbor. Who must be a saint. They never complain about the things that fall over, are knocked over, or the sounds from them jumping down off things.