I was watching a video of a baby piglet taking a bath that someone tweeted, saying something like “This is your breakfast, enjoying a nice warm bath.” It’s a hard world to live in if you believe eating animals is wrong. I don’t ever lecture about it, or post pictures (mostly), because I don’t believe that is how minds are changed. But it is hard to walk around with the bodies of animals hanging in windows, or arrayed in grocery shops and elsewhere.
I saw these guys and just felt bad. They were swimming along, la-de-da, and then they were yanked from life in some cruel and scary way, and now here they are, tossed in a bucket, in bits and pieces. No one grieves for them.
Many of us grieve for all the animals raised for food, used for experiments, entertainment–it breaks my heart. I share why I dont eat animals or wear leather, if folks ask, but I cant make people change. I hope they take in what I am saying and maybe think about it a little.
I am going to hug my cats now. Take care. Peace.
Hi Barbara, fellow-griever! Thank you for caring!