Messiah Sing Tonight

Should be fun. I am a little concerned about Buddy. It’s been a month since he was at the vet and I’ve been trying various things to address his IBS and he’s been eating well, and has had a touch of diarrhea here and there but not bad or for long, but he hasn’t gained a single ounce. Not one. This is not good.

I photographed these kids sitting in the window across the street from the NBC studios, and right down from the Rockefeller Center tree. Cute kids, aren’t they?


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Messiah Sing Tonight

  1. Stacy have you tried Buddy on “Honest Kitchen” food? I have my dog (who has GI issues) on it and it does help. Just Google Honest Kitchen Cat Food to learn about it. Might be worth a try…

  2. I did try that and Buddy rejected it, but I’m thinking of trying again. I started with adding a very small amount to his food but I want to try again, starting with an even smaller amount.

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