Gross Picture Alert

It’s not too bad! My vet isn’t in today, and a couple of slight red patches near Finney’s incision have gotten redder. Maybe he’s licking the area when I’m not looking, except wouldn’t he lick the actual incision, so shouldn’t that be the part that’s red? I’m posting it here in case someone who reads my blog is a vet or knows one.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Gross Picture Alert

  1. Geez, my first post here, and I put it on the wrong picture. Here it is again:

    I remember that when my girls were spayed (in–ahem–1990), Muffin similarly licked and irritated a patch of skin on her abdomen. She’d licked it raw, worse than what you’re seeing. Vet said it was probably where they’d had a clamp, and gave me some kind of ointment that would promote healing (but would be safe in case she licked it, which of course they will). Whether to the ointment’s credit or not, she soon left it alone and it healed fine.

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