Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Museum is open again now, and I walked up there yesterday, a four mile walk! Which reminds me. We’re supposed to walk 10,000 steps a day. That is roughly five miles. Who is actually walking that much every day? That’s a lot.
Much of the museum was closed off, but there was still plenty to see. It still amazes me how much I’ve come to love all the decorative arts wings. I used to be all about the paintings. Then photography. Photography seemed so much more alive. But now paintings feel living and breathing to me again. But when I walk through a decorative arts wing I’m all, “I want that. And this. And this.” I fantasize about finding something as beautiful in a second hand store somewhere remote.
Yesterday my favorite wing was 19th Century Sculpture and Decorative Arts 1850 – 1890. Did you know Sarah Bernhardt was a sculptor?? I didn’t. And a gifted sculptor. She made this of her husband after he died. (More below.)
Everyone’s favorite intense/grumpy composer. This is James von Stuck’s combination sculpture and painting of Beethoven, “modeled after his purported death-mask.” It seems so modern, but it’s dated 1900-1902.