I Have a New Camera!

I held onto my iPhone 6S for years, and would have continued to do so, but nothing is supported anymore, I can’t get the faster internet connection, and so on. So I gave in and bought an iPhone 14. And immediately took pictures of Bleecker, who, for whatever reasons, rarely comes out well in pictures.

For its Bleecker-picture-taking abilities, it’s a success. My two little voids, Bodhi and Bali, are next.

Bleecker the Cat

Bleecker the Cat

Looking for a Choir?

I just got email about choirs geared towards people 55 and older. They are called Encore Chorales (also Encore Rocks) and they are run by an organization called Encore Creativity for Older Adults. I don’t have the time for another choir, but I looked at the program for this fall in my area and it looks so fun!

When my book about singing came out, people kept telling me how hard it was to find a choir where they are, and Encore choirs aren’t everywhere yet, but see if they are. One important fact is they are non-auditioned and I know having to audition puts a lot of people off. I can relate. I got through it the last time, like 40 years ago, and I never want to have to audition again!

A picture of my friend’s choir, the Cerddorion Vocal Ensemble.

Cerddorion Vocal Ensemble

A Beach in New York City

Passed this by on a walk along the Hudson. I hate sitting on the beach in the warm weather, it sucks the life right out of me. The only upside to a beach is jumping into the water, which isn’t an option here! There is no reason on earth for me to spend anytime here, except in the fall or winter. It’s very pretty to look at though.

Gansevoort Peninsula. New York City

View from My Window

I don’t know why I took this picture, other than I liked the clouds perhaps? But I’m sitting at my desk, looking out my window right now, feeling so peaceful, for no good reason really. (The view is actually completely different when I am sitting down.) I’m happy about my book that is coming out in January, and I have my health, and healthy cats, but other than that, the world is a fucking nightmare, isn’t it? I’m so sorry, rest of the world, for our contribution to that.

Tomorrow, fireworks. Once every billion years or so they’re on the Hudson River, where I live, so I will be watching from my roof, trying to get a good shot! We shall see.

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