Halloween is coming!

The first Halloween decorations I spotted in my neighborhood. I also noticed how spectacularly beautiful this building is. In one of my books I wrote about feeling like the Little Match Girl sometimes, seeing how some people live. This is one of those places! That said, there are certainly a lot worse things than being a poor person in this neighborhood. I’m lucky!

My Cousin Dr. William G. Kaelin Jr Won the Nobel Prize!!

There is no way to announce this calmly!! I mean, OH MY GOD. The Nobel FREAKING Prize!! I’ve posted proudly about my cousin before, but NOW. I couldn’t stop screaming when I first heard. I could barely breathe. MY COUSIN HAS WON THE NOBEL PRIZE!!! In medicine!!!! Holy shit!! Congratulations, Bill!!

My Interview on Talking Hart Island

I was recently interviewed by Mike Keene and Norma Jean Gradskay, hosts of a new podcast dedicated the history of Hart Island called Talking Hart Island. Hart Island is the site of New York City’s potter’s field, and according to the hosts it’s the largest mass graveyard in the country.

You can listen to my interview here. But I highly recommend also listening to the other episodes that have gone up so far. The current one is about the Five Points, with Professor Tyler Anbinder. The Five Points are endlessly fascinating, and I can’t get enough about the history of what went on there. Finally, here are some pictures I took when I visited Hart Island years ago!

Hart Island, New York, Potter's Field

Hart Island, New York, Potter's Field

Hart Island, New York, Potter's Field

Hart Island, New York, Potter's Field

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