The Hopper Show at the Whitney

It breaks my heart that it looks like I won’t get back to see this show again before it closes. It was so crowded I spent little time there. It took forever to get a spot in front of one painting, and I couldn’t wait that much time for each one!

I actually almost left after only a few minutes, but I made myself return and spend time with a small number of paintings. But there was so much there that I wanted take time to revel in, but it just wasn’t possible. There were so many painting and even more drawings I’d never seen before. Here are a few of my favorites. Each are cropped a little (one a lot, the guy in the window).

Edward Hopper's New York

Edward Hopper's New York

Edward Hopper's New York

Happy Holidays!

I’m listening to the last Christmas Carols I will listen to this season, and today is the last day I will have Christmas lights. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I hardly take pictures anymore. It’s so not like me. My picture for today is from Halloween, but it looks kinda Christmas-y, doesn’t it? Happy holidays, everyone. The world is a mess, but, well, if you’re reading this you’re not dead yet. There’s that. Thinking of reasons to remain positive … the first thing that came to mind was Volodymyr Zelenskyy. I listened to his speech to congress, and I just can’t get over how impressive he is. Ukraine is lucky to have him right now.

Oh. Just thought of a personal reason to remain positive. Scroll down …

I have a new book coming out! The announcement from Publisher’s Lunch (that is not the title, it’s more of a place-holder title until we come up with something better):

Why Blue?

I took these on Thursday, November 3rd. Why was the Empire State Building this particular shade of blue? I should have asked sooner. It’s probably too far away for anyone to remember now. Another building was lit up with the same shade.

Blue Empire State Building

 in New York City

Feed the Birds, Tuppence a Bag

I think I’ve posted this before (old person alert) but I was permanently influenced by the song about feeding birds in the movie Mary Poppins. This woman in a saint. With a sweet dog, too.

Feeding Pigeons in New York City

Big Dog

I work at an animal hospital and a few of us were trying to get a picture of a dog to capture how big he is. It was almost impossible to do him justice. He was such a sweetie. And he’s a puppy! Davin, the man in this picture, is 6’2”.

Big Dog at the ASPCA

Here is Davin getting a selfie.

Big Dog at the ASPCA

And this is me. I am 5’3″.

Big Dog at the ASPCA

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