Kremen Update

I spoke to Mrs. Kremen, who was very nice about it, but even now, can’t bear to talk about it, so she didn’t want to talk to me. His birthday is this month, too. Oh, it was awful. There are some things you just don’t recover from. This poor woman. She blames herself, for moving the family to California. (She’s from Brooklyn.) She has another son, but she said her life was ruined from then on. She was 37 when it happened. So I apologized and got off the phone. She wasn’t mad, she just didn’t want to go into it. She did say that the psychics they consulted were a nightmare. Ugh. I felt terrible. I can’t believe the things some people have to endure. Life is not fair.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Kremen Update

  1. Wow. I feel so sad for her, her son, and her family. This is really every parent’s worst nightmare. I hope she finds peace someday.


  2. That was what was so horrifying about talking to her. She’s in her 80’s now. If she hasn’t found peace yet, it’s not looking likely that she ever will.

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