The Cleanest Apartment in Manhattan


What I did this weekend.

– Took everything off the shelves and dusted them if they were books, or washed them if they are washable.
– Organized all my choir music scores.
– Took everything out of the cabinets, washed down, and threw out expired canned food (it’s a post 9/11 thing, even having canned food in the house). Washed down front of cabinets.
– Cleaned out refrigerator.
– Washed down every inch of the bathroom, walls, shower curtain, etc., went through all the products and threw out what I’m not using.
– Cleared off desk, butcher-wax polished, and then went through all the items on desk, cleaned, washed, polished, and then organized desk.
– Washed windows and screens.
– Took everything out of all drawers, washed down, organized and put back.
– Moved all furniture than can be moved and cleaned underneath.
– Woolite cleaned my desk chair.
– Windexed all pictures.
– Cleaned and scoured coffee maker and Briter water pitcher thing.
– Took all blankets and stuff to laundry.
– Pulled out ladder and dusted all the high-up places.
– Organized wires and cables underneath desk.
– Put away summer clothes, and pulled out winter clothes
– Found a nice box for all my extra books (Restless, Waiting and Cyberville). They were in four or five different piles around the place, I wanted them all in one spot.
– Still to do, organize a “to-read” shelf, which means admitting which books I’m not going to get to and getting rid of them.
– Vacuumed and dusted the place to within an inch of its life.

That’s Buddy on the couch, doing his part to un-do all that I have done. That’s okay little dude. Shed, kitty, shed! That’s what vacuums are for.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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