
This year I had Thanksgiving at crickets. Thank you, cricket! This is cricket carving the turducken. That’s Anne to her right, waiting with the gravy.


This is cricket and the soon to be famous Bean. Jonathan, who is to Anne’s right in the first picture, sitting down, wrote a piece for New York Magazine about her getting lost and thankfully found. It comes out next week.


I should make a “Things I’m Thankful For” list. But I’m feeling kinda lazy and trying to decide if I should work out and work on my book (that’s the good angel on my shoulder talking) or go to the movies and shop (the devil talking).

Partial list: My book contract, the cats aren’t sick, I’m not sick, none of my friends or family are sick, my rent stabilized apartment, my HDTV, my new glasses, Cute Overload, technology in general, cameras, computers, ipods, etc., coffee, good hair days, Bush’s days are numbered, all the cute clothes in the world, Tolstoy, Bach, Mozart, sparkly red nail polish, and the internet. Thank you for that, Department of Defense.

I’m a little sad that I missed seeing The March of the Wooden Soldiers this year, even though the only part I like is when the soldiers come to life.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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