Holidays at the New York Public Library

xmasnypl.jpg Some people are probably going to get sick of my Christmas shots. This is the library at 42nd Street. I was there on Saturday doing research. By the way, as I was heading up there I was thinking I was insane to go there on a Saturday, and it was insanely packed, but with people looking around, not with people doing research. I was actually in and out faster than usual. Found almost everything I needed. It was a good day.

I got email about a cat boarding place in Connecticut called Captain Kitt’s. Good lord, I’m looking at their website now. If you live in Connecticut this is the place to board your cat. They have aquariums for entertainment, they give them shrimp and tuna for snacks (I’m sure if you ask them not to, they won’t, I know some cats are not supposed to have fish) and catnip cocktails at night! This is kitty vacation heaven.

Once again …
just filling up lines …
in order to line up the pictures …

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Holidays at the New York Public Library

  1. Captain Kitt’s looks like it’s almost worth a trip to Connecticut the next time we need to get our little guys out of harm’s way due to home repair work. I’ve been looking for a comparable place in Manhattan, but have only found a small, windowless room of cages at a doggy day-care center (separate from the room with the dogs.)

    BTW, the picture in your preceding entry is hilarious and the main reason why we don’t have a tree, fake or otherwise.

  2. Yeah, I still mourn the fake tree that my friend Howard gave me and I had to give away because the cats were eating it and this one had Christmas lights built in and I was just too afraid of kitty harm. But this tree was gorgeous. (Sob.)

    For Manhattan cat boarding I would recommend The Cat Practice (212-677-1401. It’s also windowless, alas, but the cages are big and those people love cats. They let me go back there and visit the cats whenever I’m there buying catfood.

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